Monday, July 18, 2011

Conglom Reunion 2011

Well, come July whatever it will be the anniversary of when we all met. Thus, about 1 year ago--Lani started plans on a conglom reunion. Love that she took the initiative, we made a commitment and most of us were able to make it to Fredricksburg. We stayed in a little bed and breakfast that was made in the 1700's or so. It made Our Lady of the Lake seem modern and made us right at home. Just kidding it was a great little house and we had it all to ourselves. Wish we could have spent more time together. We stayed up till all hours of the night reminiscing about many things. Oh, so, many things! Wink, wink! But, like the t-shirt says that Bel got for everyone, "what happens with the girlfriends, stays with the girlfriends!" Even if you threaten me with chocolate.

Have some photographic evidence, though.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Who turned on the Nausea Switch?

It's back. what is sad is that when I didn't have the nausea yesterday I got a little worried. I think I am going to have to finally break down and take something or try to find that seasickness bracelet. Maybe that will work.

How is TREE? Any word yet? Hoping to see the 4th Esparza soon.

Have a great day!!!


Friday, August 31, 2007

Nausea, Morning Sickness and Night Sickness

Oh, my!! While I am prepared for this baby the moment it is born (I can even be involved in the resuscitation right after birth.), I am not prepared for pregnancy. I did not enjoy my obstetrical/gynecological rotation in medical school. I couldn't care less about the pregnant mom and only wanted to know about the baby. That's what it is going to be like anyway once the baby is born right? I realize no one will be visiting me to see me with the exception of my mother. After all, I am still HER baby.
The first few weeks after the insemination went well. Yes, we had to go the infertility route after 3 years. Over the summer, we were pregnant for three days. Yes, there is such a thing as "a little bit pregnant." It is when there is fertilization but no implantation. So, my Reproductive Endocrinologist, Dr. Douglas, tweaked some medicines a bit and we decided to go the artificial insemination route. Viola! Two weeks later, I am pregnant. We decided to tell no one since this would be our third pregnancy. We made it to seven weeks and had an ultrasound on monday. We saw the baby's heart beat and I was a little stunned. Now it is a little more than just clinical, a due date and numbers. I told my mom on monday and then my friends. Donas finally shared it with his family.

My diet since then has been yogurt, water and soup. The nausea is relentless at times but today has been a very good day. It seems like I woke up and someone turned off the nausea switch.

The next few weeks will likely include nuchal ultrasound (an ultrasound for the neck to check for signs of Down Syndrome) and we will be moving into a house within the next six weeks. As I hate to move, I told Donas, tell me where and my purse and I will meet you there. I am not lifting a finger! I have moved so many times in my lifetime--4 college, 1 back to crystal city, 1 to Houston and then 3 more moves during Residency, once to sulphur springs, then to a house in Sulphur Springs then to this tiny apartment in mcKinney then another bigger apartment one year ago in Mckinney. It is now time to move once and for all to move into a house!!! No more apartments ever again. (that's what I said when i moved to sulphur springs.)

Hopefully, those of you who didn't have the addy of the blog have now gotten it. You can add stuff to this too. Not just me. If you have trouble adding pictures, just call or email me.


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Guess What? I'm Pregnant!!!

Since I had not seen any updates all summer, I thought I would add another all important update. Donas and I are pregnant!! It has been very difficult not telling anyone since we are two months pregnant. But after 2 miscarraiges (one in the summer), I didn't want to tell anyone. I probably should have waited another two months but keeping this type of secret is very hard for me. Donas and I had our ultrasound with my reproductive endocrinologist on Monday, I was not prepared to see the heart beat at this visit but wow it was there beating at 128 times a minute. (very good for all the non-medical people). There is only one! So no twins. I don't think that I could handle twins at my age. Our due date is on TAX DAY (for all you accountants out there). I hope I just make it to my birthday!

I just told my mom and family as well as Donas' family on Monday. The chances of miscarraige are only 5% at this point but "c'est la vie", I've decided not to dwell on that.

Well, I've got to get back to work. I'll update or try to add the ultrasound picture later. Virginia

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Hi everyone from North Carolina

I am writing this as Donas and I travel throught North Carolina. It started when he bought an antique clock several weeks ago. One of the last antiques that he bought was broken during shipping so we decided to make a road trip out of this. If we were going to do this, then I wanted to do some fun things on the way. We left thursday night for Texarkana, TX/AK. Not much in Arkansas other than Donas' father. We left Ak early friday morning and made it to Memphis by mid-late morning. Yes, we went to GRACELAND!! Not just that, it was the day before the start of ELVIS WEEK in Memphis. Yikes. There were some sorry old elvis impersonators that should not have been wearing what they were wearing. If you haven't been to Graceland then you are missing out on a interesting study of 1970's cheese!! Oh, wait, my aunt has that! Down the green shag carpet and orange and brown walls. The car museum is the most interesting. You would not believe the lines! Most of the people were english and german that were visiting. Sirius satellite radio even has a permanent radio station there that only plays Elvis Presley music. I don't think I bought a thing but we do have a digital picture of us in front of the gates of Graceland.

Update more later!!


Monday, May 28, 2007


YEAH! School's out for summer! OWW I think I hurt something there. I forget I'm getting old. Why hasn't anyone posted anything and where in the world is Lani? I can't believe she hasn't posted anything. Anyways, just wanted to say Hi to everyone and see what summer plans we have. Did we decide to get together during the summer or not? I hope so, I can't wait to see ya'll again. Well, I am going to continue my "School's out for summer" dance. Later Congloms.


Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!!

Hi everyone! I thought that I would wish you ALL a happy Mother's Day. This will be the first mother's day for you Lila. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Thought I would share a picture of some of my husbands peacocks with you guys. This is a picture someone sent to me over the internet, my husband has about 15 or so of these. Right now, we have peacock, actually the correct term is Peafowl, eggs in an incubator. They will take about 28 days to hatch. Belinda said that she didnt think I would marry someone like a farmer. I think that I knew I would, or at least a gentleman, but also, someone who can easily shoot the head off a snake at 100 feet (I think I will save that story for later). I also put a picture of my dog Caramel. She is a crazy little dog. She is with my mom in Crystal City since I am allergic to her. That is my baby. I am making you see mine since I have seen all of yours. Hee. Hee.